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Who are Akshay Bhatia's parents? All you need to know about Sonny and Renu Bhatia

Akshay Bhatia, a 21-year-old golfer who recently won his first PGA Tour event, is one of the best young golfers in the world. His hard work and dedication paid off last month when the California-born golfer lifted the first PGA Tour trophy of his career at the Barracuda championship and earned a full exemption on the Tour.

His family has been a big part of his success. His parents, Sonny and Renu Bhatia traveled to as many places as they could to support him during the initial days of his career. Bhatia's sister Rhea is also a golfer and played for Queen's University in Charlotte. It was his parents who got him into golfing.

Akshay Bhatia hardly spoke about his parents in his interview. However, numerous sources claimed Renu and Sonny met in Northridge and after dating for a while they tied the knot. They are immigrants from India.

His parents supported him and instilled him in a strong work ethic and also played a vital role in enhancing his golfing skills. His father Sonny enjoys playing golf on weekends.

Although Akshay Bhatia rarely shares pictures of his family, in 2019, he took to his social media account to wish his father on his birthday. He wrote:

"I’d like to take a moment to wish my old man a Happy Birthday! I will never take for granted all of the things you had to sacrifice, and I wouldn’t be in this position if it wasn’t for you! Thank you so much for everything you have done. I love you Dad ❤️ #HappyBirthday."

Akshay Bhatia currently playing at the Wyndham Championship, which will have its finale on Sunday, August 6. After the first round, he finished with a score of +2.

"It's a little bitter"- Akshay Bhatia reflects disappointment in his chances to play at the FedExCup Playoffs

As the PGA Tour nears the end of its regular season, there is a chance that Akshay Bhatia could lose out on qualifying for the FedExCup Playoffs.

In a recent interview on the radio show Hitting the Green, Bhatia talked the FedExCup Playoffs. He stated:

"It's definitely different, you know, I feel like being on Special Temporary Membership this year, and being a part of the PGA Tour from pretty much majority of the season, and then kind of feel like I've done everything to get into the playoffs, it's a little bitter but, you know, the rule is to protect the PGA Tour members from other members coming in and taking their WGC spots." "I don't know when exactly this rule went into effect, but, it's definitely a little tender to me because I feel like I've kind of earned my way there and, you know, deserve the opportunity to do it. But thankfully I have one more week to be able to accomplish it and if not, it is what it is. I still have a pretty nice schedule next year going to Hawaii and the Players in the PGA, so..," he added.

It's worth noting that Bhatia must place fourth or better at this week's Wyndham Championship in order to crack the top 70 in the FedExCup standings.

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