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Instead of Oscar, DiCaprio went on vacation to New York


Instead of the ceremony “Oscar,” Leonardo DiCaprio went to New York with his beloved Camila Morrone
Leonardo DiCaprio decided to skip the Oscars this year, even though Don’t Look Up, where he starred, was among the nominees. Instead, the actor went to New York with his beloved American model Camila Morrone.
The actor likely flew on vacation on March 25 – then the local paparazzi caught DiCaprio at the Los Angeles airport, where Leo ran into another famous couple – spouses Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher. They were returning from a vacation in the Bahamas to be in time for the Oscar ceremony, while DiCaprio, on the contrary, was waiting for a flight to New York.
Recall that Leonardo DiCaprio is one of those Hollywood celebrities who support Ukraine in a full-scale war with Russia. At the beginning of the tragic events in our country, he donated a record 10 million dollars to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Shortly before the Oscars, Hollywood film director Sean Penn urged his colleagues to boycott this year’s event and even threatened to melt his own Oscar statuettes – he has two of them – if the American Film Academy did not allow Vladimir Zelensky to perform. As you know, Zelensky was not allowed to perform at the Oscars. At the same time, during the ceremony, a minute of silence was announced as a sign of solidarity with Ukraine, and some world celebrities appeared at the event with accessories in yellow and blue colors.
